Dr.Mrs.M.V.Vyawahare is presently working as Co-ordinator Robotics and AI Department has a rich and varied teaching/research experience of more than 25 years. She has been associated with this Santhas since July 2005. Her area of interest are VLSI, Digital Signal Processing, Wireless Communication,AI. She completed her PhD in 2016 ,her Doctoral work is in Design and Implementation of High Speed VLSI Architectures for AES Algorithm. She has Two Patents to her credit.She has more than 40 publications in various international journals and conferences with SCI, WoS, and SCOPUS indexing. She is Member & Branch counsellor IEEE Students Branch, PCE , ISTE. She is also member of reviewer board of various journals .
She is the Incharge of Higher Learning Cell of PCE. During this journey of academics and administration, she has effectively coordinated group tasks, including National and International conferences, several STTP/FDP and Workshops on latest technoligies. She delivered lectures in various Short Term Training Programs and chaired International conferences.
Email ID : - mohini.vyawahare@pcenagpur.edu.in
Mobile Number : - 9420246938